Hands on Therapy and Shockwave
These techniques can work to reduce neuromuscular stress and can also work to increase joint range of motion and quality of movement.
Walking, Running and Orthotics
Walking and running gait assessments are a fantastic way to understand more about how you move everyday. our feet need certain amounts of load, stress and strain to stay strong and healthy.
Children’s Feet
Children’s feet are fascinating little things and as they grow everything changes. Their posture will change, as will the shape and the arch of their feet. Sometimes children’s feet and legs need a little help to develop into the strong, stable, mobile adaptors.
In Australia, 280 people develop diabetes every day. With the incidence of diabetes diagnosis forever on the increase, understanding the diagnosis and management strategies is paramount for living a happy, healthy life.
Arthritis Management
Arthritis comes in several forms, but the two main forms are Rheumatoid arthritis and Osteoarthritis. Whilst they are different in their nature, they cause similar symptoms have similar debilitating effects on the health and lifestyle of sufferers and indeed loved ones.