Diabetes Foot Care
With the rate of diabetes diagnosis forever on the increase, understanding management strategies is paramount for living a happy, healthy life. Management of diabetes and its associated affects, is absolutely possible if the right help is sought. Poor management, however, can be catatrophic.
In Australia, 280 people develop diabetes every day. It is associated with a series of complications related to the feet, eyes, kidneys and heart. In people with diabetes cardiovascular disease is now the leading cause of death, and 41% of people report stages of poor mental health. Diabetes sits 7th on the list of leading causes of deaths in Australia.
These facts and figures are not purely designed to alarm you (although they should), but they should motivate you. Because, in many cases, diabetes is preventable and it is indeed manageable. Diabetes need not be the debilitating, death sentence that these figures would have you assume. If you have diabetes, take ownership and control of your health, involve a strong network of health practitioners to guide you through the appropriate management strategies. You’ll be amazed at the results.
If you suspect you may have developed, or are developing diabetes, please visit your doctor. Early diagnosis and management strategies are key. Initial symptoms can include:
Excessive thirst and hunger
Frequent urination
Weight loss or gain
Blurred vision
Tingling or numbness in the hands or feet
If you have diabetes and haven’t seen a Podiatrist (or it has been a while), it is strongly recommended that you do.
A Podiatrist’s role will be to thoroughly assess the health of your feet with particular attention to the blood flow, nerve function, presence of hard skin (callus), and physical activity levels.
If any of this relates to you, and you would like to see and speak to someone about the best management strategies for your feet, please book in. Don’t delay.